Weighbridge Software

commercial software solution for the weighing industry

Weigh – Weighbridge Software

Having the right weighbridge software means customer, supplier, vehicle, transport, material, job and pricing management. Invoice production and of course deep analytical reporting with integration to external ERP or Accounting software applications.

WZWeigh is your first choice in weighbridge and scale management software built as the commercial software solution, for the weighing industry.

Our scale software captures raw data from your scale where it’s transported and translated in real-time to produce transactions, invoices, dockets, and dynamic reports. These reports provide you with production management controls including forecasting and planning; global visibility and security across multiple sites with controlled cost and price management of materials and transport.

WZWeigh is one of the most sophisticated and user-friendly weighbridge scale systems within Australasia. You can expect, high performance, continual uptime, systems integration, fast and efficient weighbridge entry and exit weigh processing, with an unparalleled feature-rich user interface. Tailor made for the mining, forestry, waste, or landfill and logistics industries.



Industry Expertise

Because we know your industry, market, products, and providers, we deliver CLEAR Results.
  • Committed consulting your software success.
  • Long-standing relationships with key industry suppliers.
  • Experience and knowledge of technologies for industry.
  • Applications integration for automation and increased productivity.
  • Recycling, Waste, Agriculture, Mining and Metals weighing industry solutions.


Features and Benefits

WZWeigh - Features & Benefits

The platform of our technology has enabled us to create applications that emulate the touch-first experience that lies at the heart of Microsoft Windows 10. Although beautiful and feature-rich, our weighbridge software is primarily built for speed and performance regardless of data complexity or size.

User controls are powered by a server-side data processing engine ensuring users can shape and analyse information at lightning speeds without sacrificing features or capabilities.

Our commitment to performance, redundancy, and technological innovation ensures confidence and trust in our weighbridge solutions and software. Data-centric, enterprise-grade business software that will amaze.

The engine design of WZWeigh is that of Multi-master replication. Multi-master replication is a method of database replication which allows data to be stored by a group of computers and updated by any member of the group. All members are responsive to client data queries. The multi-master replication system is responsible for propagating data modifications made by each member to the rest of the group and resolving any conflicts that might arise between concurrent changes made by different members.

WZWeigh - Technology
WZWeigh - Scale Management
Scale Management

Scale Management Software if you weren’t aware is a commonly used description to encompass all the vital components of a weighbridge, truck scale or loader scales, software. Weighbridge software can be described as software that provides a weights and measure output being vehicle entry and exit weigh with nothing more, which is also common of the physical loader scale.

In today’s world successful companies need much more than just weights and measures, although a vital component, they need management, visibility and flow of information about vehicles, transport providers, customers, materials production and forecasting, pick-up location and delivery destination detail.

Introducing WZWeigh’s Scale Management Software

Responsible for critical data, key to your business success. Employing a Multi-Master database that delivers enterprise-level availability, scalability and security with redundancy and business critical operations, uptime.

Customer Management

With detailed records from contact information through to transactional history you can expect ease of access with complete visibility. Flexible Grid Reporting with comprehensive filtering, grouping, merged and custom grouping of transactions, jobs, price books and invoices.

All-inclusive reporting outputs of PDF, Excel and Email. Four month snapshot totals of customer materials cost and price with instant drill-down into the detail. Coupled with Analytics empowers you to drag and drop, slicing data to your will with graphical outcomes of top performers and business intelligence.

Job Management

Unsurpassed job analysis built on our Grid Reporting Engine delivers materials and transport cost and price. Complimented with job estimates or forecasting offers tonnes and percentage complete to date, reporting.

With great job management comes Advanced Pricing, which includes status management of Open, Closed, Expired or Forecast. Take advantage of our inherent Grid filtering and grouping functionality offering views of what price books are assigned to what jobs or optionally set a Default price book per customer, ensuring the system automatically allocates the correct pricing on job creation.

With larger operations it doesn’t take long to reach 1000 price books totalling in excess of 10,000 material lines. Add to this 10,000 jobs, some being Contract in nature, this is big data made easy under WZWeigh. Price it once and price it right, the first time.

Materials Management

Demand defines production where we offer two instruments with which to calculate it. Using the Pre-Entry toolset offering planning and scheduling at a per-load, vehicle level, or Job Estimate, materials forecast level. Both toolsets allow the grouping, filtering, sorting and graphing by product firstly, with dimensions of customer, job, expected date, average price, cost and more, available.

Loader operators, (with WZLoad, Dumpers and more) capture production quantities in real-time as they transport materials from the crushers to the pits; as easily as they load vehicles. Built on the Grid Reporting Engine, materials Stock-On-Hand quantities by profit centre and location are instantly available for monitoring as are sales and production counts, tonnes, average price and cost, per hour, day, week, and month, metrics.

WZWeigh’s materials management facilities are highly functional, designed to encompass the full scope of your business operations;

  • Materials Cost and Price Management by Location.
  • Materials cost recognition at the time of production, the time of sale or in combination.
  • Net Weight, back calculation to Fixed Price.
  • Supply and Deliver, consolidated or separated invoice detail.
  • Four month snap-shot totals with drill-down.
  • Stock-On-Hand positive and negative adjustments control and visibility.
  • Custom Groups offering user-defined materials grouping of i.e. construction, concrete, gravel, soil, waste etc.
  • Intercompany transactions capability and facility.
Vehicle and Transport Management

WZWeigh’s vehicle management starts with the Vehicle Configuration, being that of Truck Only, Trailer Only, Truck and Trailer, Semi-Trailer-Truck and more. Storing Tare, Target and Maximum Gross weights per configuration. This essential data offers WZWeigh a unique ability to pre-calculate the to-be-loaded net weight, in addition to providing notification on overloading.

Where sites are restricted to maximum movement or volume restrictions WZWeigh’s Resourcing Reporting ensures Resource Consent compliance delivering an automated and unique opportunity to differentiate between vehicle counts (or docket counts) versus Movement Counts within the hour, day, week, weekend and month.

From compliance, features extend to include transport management with logistics planning and scheduling. Planning defines materials demand which drives production ensuring fast vehicle throughput and resource availability. Transport is the accompanying service to materials delivery hence WZWeigh will manage the internal fleet and/or all subcontractor transport price and costs, including the estimated time of pickup to delivery, through to Accounts Payable reporting.

Security and Auditing
Business Security is important and when coupled with Auditing ensures you have the evidence behind mistakes and/or omissions.

Three levels of security exist. Basic users access local information only, while Administrators view transaction data at a global level meaning across multiple profit centres with the Super users determining Basic and Administrator functional access:

  • Cost & Price: Modify Materials Location Data
  • Cost & Price: Modify Job Price Book Data
  • Reports: Materials Summary Multi-Location Access
  • Accounts: AR Invoice Access
  • Scheduler: Planning & Scheduling Management and more.

Auditing is monitored through a compare grid, where the ‘was’ versus ‘current’ of any transaction is compared. Facilitating ease of tracking and investigation for Senior Management.

Status Management of Update, Complete, Delete and Edit offers instant visibility of User actions at a per transaction level with price book changes, at a per product level, eliminating an otherwise open opportunity for theft.

Security and compliance with audit tracking functionality are two WZWeigh distinct advantages over the standard weighbridge software applications.


Grid Reporting Engine

WZWeigh Grid Reporting Engine

WZWeigh’s underlying architecture is one of performance, reliability and technological innovation.

Built for high performance delivers flexibility with compelling easy-to-use capabilities. Emulates the look feel and capability of Microsoft Office offering familiarity with functionality.

Built for speed regardless of data complexity or size, offers a server side processing engine that allows users to dynamically shape and analyse data to their will.

  • Drag and Drop, filtering and sorting with automated column sub and grand total calculations.
  • Grouping, Merged Groups and Custom Grouping functionality.
  • Save, store and recall personalised Grid Reports.
  • Change the reporting layout visually in order to examine data from different/multiple perspectives.
  • Local versus Global report settings and security.
  • Integration to MS Excel and MS Outlook



eReporting is the WZWeigh term for the automated scheduling of MS Excel reports via email. Using the standard Grid Profile Edit functionality; the toolset used to store and recall your favorite reports users can set and forget any and all reports for management, transport suppliers, customers, jobs, even individual vehicle drivers.

  • Select reports to include the current day or last days, last weeks, or last month’s transactional data from your scheduled date and time stamp.
  • Set reports to recur daily, weekly, monthly; finishing by a quantity count, particular date or to never end.
  • Distribute multiple reports within the one recurrence.
  • MS Outlook inspired calendar scheduling and views offering event colour coding to quickly identify successful report distribution.
  • Automatically email weighbridge or loader dockets in PDF to vehicle drivers, fleet managers, customers and/or job managers in separate or in combination after each load.



Common descriptions of the WZWeigh Analytics toolset include Business Intelligence (BI), Business Analytics (BA) or Business Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) we don’t care what you call it.

Analytics delivers transaction graphical views, offering deep analysis that will allow you to identify bottlenecks so to improve efficiencies and make informed decisions.  

  • Available to all system Administrators allowing for individual or group publication of analytics data, using Area, Pie, Column, Bar, Line and Stacked diagrams.
  • Each diagram or graph is achieved via drag and drop of the fields you want to report on, from inside a Pivot Grid. With field drag and drop into the Data Area, X or Y axes your diagram is instantly updated.
  • Once a diagram is saved and self-titled with a name and description it’s optionally added to a Graphing Group; Workflow Desktop(s).
  • Includes MS Excel, HTML and PDF export outputs.
Weighbridge-Software-ERP-IntegrationERP Integration

WrightZone’s weighbridge software uses the WZWeigh’s API interface to export transactions into your business ERP software. Information such as Job/Order Header, Accounts Receivable, Pricing, Vehicle ID, and more are effortlessly integrated into your ERP for the easy flow of information. Invoice related data can be exported via Scheduled, Manual, Live methods, XERO, MYOB, SQL and more.

“If we don’t have an existing API for your accounting, ERP software we’ll build it”

WZWeigh includes advanced pricing of materials and transport therefore is responsible for Accounts Receivable invoice production. Invoice production includes transport services as separated or consolidated. We exported into your existing accounting software via Scheduled (automated), Manual (button click), or Live methods offering effortless integration and automation. The all-inclusive Compare toolset delivers a formal end of day, week and month, period close, systems match, and accounting process.


“Weighbridge data is essential for us to manage our production, customers, and trucking operations. Data extraction is simple, immediate, and the parameters are easily set by the user.”

John Shea CFO
Kaipara Quarries Ltd.

WrightZone’s committed consultants are with you every step of the process to ensure that your employees are properly trained and comfortable with the application.


Weighbridge Software with Weighbridge Optional

Loader Scales Software

WZLoad, Loader Scales software from WrightZone will decrease vehicle wait and load times while improving the loading accuracy and efficiency of your daily loading operations. With interoperability with all common loader scale systems we offer a zero learning curve with fast uptake of this software and technology.

With our touch-to-load, technology complimented with onscreen average load times, target and weighbridge, versus loader scale net weights metrics and monitoring, outcomes are that of speed and safety.

“We’ll call the docket number over the RT, print the day’s dockets for the vehicle on its last load or the dockets are emailed automatically – it’s almost too easy.”

“The system is setup in such a way that it really is simple to use,”

Joe Burns – Operator at Mc Pherson Resources Ltd.

“It is so different to what we had with hand-written dockets, but it didn’t take too long to get used to. And once I’d picked it up, it was easy. “It is a big step forward, no two ways about it.”

Peter Magan Operator at HG Leach & Co. Ltd.

Features Include:

  • Touch-to-load, technology.
  • Production and Sales, loading capability.
  • Weighbridge and/or Loader Scales processing.
  • Supply only and Supply and Deliver processing.
  • Cash Sale dockets with GST exclusive and inclusive totals.
  • Vehicle Wait, Load and Onsite time metrics and monitoring.
  • Per operator or Global transaction views and reporting.
  • Inter-loader Processing – When a job is created by one operator it’s available to all.
  • Predictive text with Material or Customer search, by Code or Name.
  • Operator Job and Destination creation capability.
  • Operator custom views, security levels and access.
  • Offline and online capability.
  • Data transmission via wireless, 3/4/5G or radio.
Touch to Load

Turn on your Tablet!   Touch-to-Load.

Loader Scales Loading

Loader Scales Connected! Add Buckets.

Weighbridge Processing

Weighbridge and/or Loader Scales Processing.

Loader Scales Entry Weigh

Entry & Exit Weigh Processing.

Loader Scales Software Options

Big Buttons. Simple to UseOptions & Security.

POS Weigh

Truck Scale Software

Truck Scale Software
POSWeigh is the unmanned truck scales software and solution, with or without a weighbridge.

We start with an industrial 19-21” all-in-one PC acting as a self-service kiosk for truck drivers, substituting the need for employment and the manned scale house. The unmanned; unattended, profit centre invests in hardware and software over human resources, offering automation, lower overheads and self-sufficiency.

“We’ve got more than we hoped for. On the technological side, this has taken our business further ahead than we could have ever imagined – we’ve gone from somewhere where there’s been no change in process for 35 years, to having one of the most sophisticated, user friendly, weighbridge systems in the country.”

Phil Gordon MD – Longburn Shingle Co Ltd

Truck scale software that is easy to use and has to be! Over 1000 drivers a week use this software across numerous sites and industries to complete payload Entry and Exit Weigh processing.  With a large industrial touchscreen allowing for fat fingers feature highlights include;

  • Full Weighbridge, Dual Single Weighbridges, or without Weighbridge processing.
  • Truck & Trailer, Split Load, Split Weigh, Semi-Trailer Truck, Compartment and more loading configurations.
  • Onscreen Tare, Gross and Net Weights Live Display
  • Help buttons on every screen offering remote support should it be needed.
  • Button colour coding and notification prompts ensuring driver comfort and capability.
  • Predictive Text, Transaction Recall and Target Weight capture.
  • RFID ready with gate, traffic light and licence plate recognition control and capability.

Exclusive POSWeigh Truck Scale Features and Functionality highlights;

  • Pre-Entry processing offering pre-set transaction selection for vehicle drivers.
  • Pre-Entry transaction selection in forecast and scheduled, Entry time-stamp order.
  • Cash Sale, Landfill, Entry and Exit Weigh, pre-set processing templates automated from button touch.
  • POSWeigh to WZLoad integration offering from the truck driver to the operator touch-to-load, digital instruction.

With WrightZone’s suite of software you have choice without additional investment.

POSWeigh or WZLoad can be used as the touch friendly, front-facing, truck and driver scale software. We’ll work with you to understand how you want to operate, accounting for all facets of the business. We’ll deliver choice and configuration with guarantee that your solution and return on investment can be weighed and measured.



WrightZone, established in 2002 and built on a foundation of sincerity, respect, commitment, and trust focuses on providing affordable software solutions that increase your sales, reduce costs, and automate your business processes and systems. We provide custom software development and consulting services employing the tried and true 4D methodology: Define, Design, Develop, and Deploy.


WrightZone and our team of committed consultants are with you at each stage of the implementation process from analysis through to hand-over and ongoing support. We offer an easy to understand operations manual that can be used for training new employees or referring back to for specific questions or refreshers. Beyond documentation, we are here to help with casual and contract, Help Desk services available to all our clients.


“Now the loader knows the customer name, the time they entered the quarry, the tare weight of their truck, the product they want and how much of it. And once it’s loaded, the info is exported and synchronized into our accounting system Xero, ready for invoicing.”

Phil Gordan
Longburn Shingle Co. Ltd.

“I can complete a tablet docket in a nano-second when compared to the manual dockets where I had to write the customer code, product code, net weight…. Way better and quite enjoyable. This, from a non technical person, I’ll remind you. Once you have selected the vehicle and if they’re on-run, its’ just so easy.”

Peter Mcmillan
Tirohia Loader Driver, H.G. Leach & Co.

“Manually, was us for over 10 years. In literally a fortnight with ease, we have transformed the business with processing, loading and invoicing to being dynamic and digital under WZWeigh.”

Mike McPherson
Director, McPherson Resources Ltd

“At my end, I can see everything as it happens – I can see when trucks are waiting. I can see the quantities coming and going – pretty much everything the quarries are doing from a transaction level, in real time. Having everything on one cohesive system is great – it just makes it all simpler.”

Damien Provis
Business Analyst , Frews Contracting

“Longburn needed weighbridge software that could satisfy these 3 criteria:

  1. Execute an unmanned weighbridge with clear and concise instruction between truck drivers, even non-account customers and the loader(s).
  2. Create efficiency by reducing load times, work smarter not harder, and enable access to key operational data, easily, from anywhere.
  3. Integrate our Quarry Management Software of choice with our existing accounting application, Xero.”

Q&M Article

“Stable operation, case of curtomisation to meet the peculiarities of each site. Support during operating hours, future proofing for expansion to allow greater use of data automation, strength of the vendor and its personnel.”

John Shea
CFO Kaipara Quarries

Primary Weighbridge Industries

Weighbridge systems are used for many industries. Some of the primary industries they are used for are:

LogisticsForestryMiningWaste Management

WZWeigh - Logistics

For bulk haul transport companies WZBulk delivers fleet planning and scheduling via a MS Outlook inspired Scheduler now with multi-threading, delivers application speed with on-the-fly planning and transactional scheduling edits. Fleet managers drag and drop pick-up and delivery information offered as digital instruction for vehcile drivers on a tablet, installed with WZBulk. Transactions or instructions are communicated via 3G/4G, Wifi or Radio, with offline operations capability.

WZBulk offers the ability to connect to any-site weighbridge scales for tare, gross and net weight capture. WZWeigh is designed to allow real-time creation of invoicing for bulk haulage companies, seamlessly, removing the excel spreadsheet dependencies distributed by aggregate suppliers because as each vehicle captures and distributes the payload your customer invoice is ready, including automated emailed copies of the docket in PDF format.    

WZWeigh - Forestry

If your using Weighlog (from RDS) or similar log, loader scales, simply plug and play these scales into WZLoad ensuring accuracy and competency of every log, being weighed and measured. Operators will select the vehicle being loaded, the customer and optionally recording a source lot number against the material while WZWeigh controls, and monitors production costs and the distribution of logs between the forest, sawmill and customer, through to invoice production.

Weighing at the loader can ultimatley remove the capital investment required in a weighbridge and where one exists WZWeigh will report and monitor net weight variances between these scales. Our touch-to-load technology makes it easy and digital for operators while managers monitor the days’ business using Job and Material Management with friendly Forecasting and Analytics toolsets under WZWeigh. A low cost business software and solution that the entire forestry team will enjoy.

WZWeigh - Mining
Mining, Metals & Quarrying

Weighbridge systems and/or Loader Scale systems in the metals industry allow operations to implement tracking solutions essential to running their business. Operations include the supply and distribution of materials from not just thier their own profit centres but from other processing plants, and aggregate suppliers in addition. In order to ensure material is tracked material needs to be weighed and costed for. WZWeigh offers production and/or at the time of sale costing recognition which flows through to complete stock on hand management.

If you’re looking for a complete Quarry Management Software and Solution offering materials and transport cost and price transparency with ease of data capture for increased operations effeciency and accurancy; WZWeigh with POSWeigh and WZLoad all inclusive, is the only software you should be adding to your bucket list.

WZWeigh - Waste Management
Waste Management

WrightZone’s WZWeigh software allows for multi-weighbridge, multi-site data solutions for more complex waste management needs. Our software helps to manage important data at a global level (meaning across multiple sites) allowing you to meet highly regulated industry waste disposal standards whether it be landfill waste, contaminated waste, recycling, or waste water. On top of meeting regulatory standards of resource consent compliance, WZWeigh produces the necessary docket and invoice data for your customers with Cash Sale and On-Account processing. In-depth reporting and analysis by vehicle, transport provider, supplier, customer, product, and so much more ensures WZWeigh will exceed your expectations in delivering technology that digitally enhances your existing operations.